Feeling a bit funny.. dunno if i have seen that auntie before... she passed away already.. life is short and unpredictable.. :(
yesterday got ppl a cleaner for the 30th floor (also my company got 2 levels, 12th & 30th) fainted.. nobody discover her til 12 + .. she fainted abt 11 + (as the rumors go) white form from her mouth and so on.. but .. today.. hear she pass away already.. BUT!! its only brain dead.. Sigh.. life .. always unpredictable.. jsut like this morning.. almost got into an accident becos 1 stupid idiot never check his blind spot to realise that i am beside him!!!!!! WTF!!!
Who says female drivers are suckers?? i think male driver sucks even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ Monday, August 27, 2007
I really cannot take it already.. weekend is hell.. we moved to grandma's house on sat (25/08/07). WE started moving since 8am in the morning as in packing , preparing to move etc.. til 2 am unpacking.. arranging the stuffs in granny's house.. etc.. NOW i Finally experience the meaning of "xiang chu rong yi, tong zu nan". :(
Sigh.. just have to see 1 step take 1 step.. Tiffany know how to crawl liaoz.. ytesterday my mum ask me go see her crawl.. i can't help it but cry.. i feel i owe her so much :(
My stupid maid.. move in yesterday 2nd day only.. cos my granny say she stupid and so on.. really sometimes stupid.. my granny use her finger to push her head .. u know those kind of sign.. saying u really stupid.. den my maid cry and cry.. say wat my granny change and so on.. no chice wat.. when ppl come and stay with u.. u are the king.. when u stay with ppl.. ppl is the king... rightt??? why can't my maid understand this point????????????????????????????????????????????? somemore can throw temper talk back to me.. i told her "ok.. enuff.. go and sleep.. " she can reply me " mdm, i sleep outside in the hall" <<-- WAH!! can throw temper like that ar??? got once bring her go my aunty house.. den she scold her.. cos she never wash the thing clean.. can also throw temper saying "i dun wan to eat already"
I am really going crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna change maid.. but thinking that she handle my baby very well.. no choice.. the next maid may not handle my baby with wat i like now..
SEpt my birthday month.. the only wish i have for now is to have my own flat.. :(
I am so fustrated and lost now.. i am so worried that i will fall to depression.. sigh..