♥ Friday, March 28, 2008
I am happy today!!!
Ya. i know i haven been updating.. cos very busy..
Getting movers quotation etc.. Sianz.. everything also $$$$$$$$$$ ..
Actually tonite get keys one.. den change to sunday nite.. now got to wait for next week!!!!!! Sianz. but at least I am happy becos they leaving down the Fridge for us!!! Yeah!!! 1 headache gone.. !!! hehehe
♥ Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I am bored!!!! a lot of things on my mind.. THanks gers for ur concern :)
Went to watch leap years with my gf on tues.. her treat.. WAH PIANGZ!! MUST GO WATCH HOR!!! DAmn touching lor.. or maybe... both of us are really touched by it..
haven upload the pics.. i know lah.. not lazy.. but no time.. wahahhaa..
Last evening.. HB was quite angry with tiff.. u know why.. becos.. Tiff dun wan to let him carry or touch her.. den Tiff went to look for the maid.. he lagi mad.. hahaha..
the best part is.. when i come home.. tiff came running to me and hug me.. so sweet right.. den HB saw it.. he lagi jealous.. wahahahaha..
NOw headache got to move house.. got to bear with the part of moving away from granny .. sigh.. she sure gonna miss Tiff so much.. i feel so bad :( Tiff is making her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!
den got to look for school for tiff.. ya i know its 6 months down the road.. but also cannot last min right?? den the school got waiting list etc.. Sigh..
♥ Monday, March 17, 2008
I got something bothering me.. i really dunno wat is it!!
Weekend was good!! Esp Tiff.. enjoyed herself throughly.. will upload pics later..
Now i need to find out wat is it to get things off my chest!
i GOT something wrong with me.. but i dunno wat's wrong.. i just feel very uneasy.. maybe becos.. i wanna change maid.. but i can't bear to change her.. cos i pity her ??
♥ Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Dunno why suddenly feeling very emotional leh..
Thinking of the past.. thinking of lost friends.. thinking of how i spend my life last time.. thinking of the ppl that try courting me.. thinking of a lot of things..
even thinking.. we going to move house soon.. and my granny going to be alone soon.. Sigh..
I wanna cry.. :(
♥ Tuesday, March 11, 2008
HB Sprain his leg yesterday while at RT.. hahaha.. now den he know the pain.. *evil grin*
Ok.. on 9th march.. partial update..
We went out the whole day liaoz.. very tired.. baby come back w/o cleaning.. den zzz liaoz.. hahaha.. Ok.. on the free fotos.. well.. its opp shaw tower at a building called beach junction.. all the pics very pic leh!!! i wanna get all.. its abt 50 shoots.. and u know how much?? $500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to get a album.. its $688... or poster.. $688.. and cash money lor!!! and if wanna take their package with free shoots every year.. and few other 1 year can use many times thing one hor.. + 1 album is $1888 and if + 2 albums is $2688.. pengz..
Somemore we haven take our wedding pics mah.. can use it also.. (we go thru everything liaoz.. except wedding studio pics) and no limited time lor.. i think the price is cheap compared to the bridal shop.. but.. wan us to commit on the spot otherwise after we walk out they will delete the pics liaoz.. or at least buy something like $500 or $688.. minimum is $500!
well.. we think its a bit ex lor.. cos we not very loaded ... with that kind of money.. we can get a few things done for our new house lor.. so we decide that there is always a chance as long as we have money.. so.. give it up lor.. and they give us out 2 free pic.. they gave us 2 outfit.. 1 is wat we wear there.. casual.. the other one is they "give" me a gown.. "give" baby a dress.. and "give hubby a suit.. the shirt that hubby wear he keep saying smelly.. ahahhahahaahahahahaha so end up we choose 2 wic are the casual ones.. cos we tot those are the better ones..
but i personally like the one that "like victorian" pic wic me and hubby take.. den no need to take wedding studio pic liaoz.. hahhaa.. Sigh.. but of cos.. bb more important lor.. so took the both also family pic lor..

Den my friends said that i wear red too outstanding in the pic.. and den .. HB wear white.. blend in the background.. We also dunno that they going to have white back ground.. they just ask us to wear casual.... -_-"
after that went to suntec to meet my aunt and cousin.. wanted to go to the IT show.. craze manz!!! We went there on sat too .. too croweded.. den sunday also so crowded.. jialat.. the traffic also like siao..
So end up also din go in lor.. den went to toys R us.. got 50% discount mah.. den my aunt wanna buy a tricycle cum walker.. den up i told her no need.. go kiddy palace cheaper.. and its really cheaper lor.. its like only $50++ in kiddy palace.. but in toys R us is like 100++ lor..
Tiff saw the pooh bear she really like it so much she keep hugging it.. so bought it for her at $9.95 lor..
so bought the tricycle cum walker at kiddy palace.. went to have dinner @ MS den go home lor.. sent my aunt home.. of cos got take pics lah.. bring tiff to sit those car can move one.. take pics.. okok.. upload the pics here.. :P
♥ Monday, March 10, 2008
Hi.. sorry for not updating.. very busy and tired.. hahaha
Ya.. over the weekend is baby's birthday.. actual day..
On 8th Mar.. noon time.. brought her to my cousin's school open house as they have fun fair - fund raising i think.. she ate ice-cream.. and she like it.. hehee.. ya i spoil her tat day becos its her BIRTHDAY!! and the things there are expensive lor.. 1 1/2 bowl of katong laksa is $6!! and 1 curry puff is $3!! crazy rite? 1 packet .. hello PACKET HOR!!! of drink is $2!!!
After that I brought her to bishan park.. took a lot of pics and she enjoyed herself.. really enjoyed..

den after picking up daddy.. we went to suntec.. wanted to go for the IT show.. but.. too many ppl.. den we U-turn.. go home.. hahahaa..
Ok.. wait i update 9 march one.. becos dunno why iif i upload too many pics.. it sot sot one..
♥ Monday, March 03, 2008
Sorry for not updating.. have been really busy..
With Stupid Bitches around.. life is never easy in the office.. wahahahhaa.. Ok .. that apart.. dun wanna talk abt it.. sianz..
On 29th Feb..
On leave.. organised a chalet for our little princess.. checked in on friday.. den settle down.. den went to settle food lor.. reach back chalet already 7-8 pm ++ liaoz.. very tired liaoz.. drink long island tea.. pengz.. cos really tired.. haha.. tot stil can go blading or bring baby go swimming.. really no time leh.. so i thinking.. nvm.. next morning den bring her..
On 1st Mar..
Baby's big day.. who knows .. early morning wanna bring her go swimming.. RAIN!!! but we brought her to go macdonalds.. she very cute.. she wanna eat.. she will try to pluck the hashbrowns..
den after breakfast.. started to start preparing for the food for evening bbq liaoz.. den busy the whole day laioz..
i tell u all hor..
i think pictures speaks louder den words.. tonite i go home upload the pics ok??
for now.. just 1.. to make u all gian gian..