♥ Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yes.. i am stil alive.. thanks readers for popping by and not leaving any traces..
a lot of things happening.. will blog this weekend ok??
yes.. my life very drama la.. if not u all come in and read for wat?? hehe..
♥ Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The past weekend was a long weekend.. due to vesak day on monday..
I have been zzzz only at 2am + on friday and sat!!! and wake up like 8-9 am lor!! where got enuff zz zfor me!!
Friday nite its the night..
Went to Serene's (juxta) house with tiff.. order KFC for dinner.. I appreciate that they actually stayed late to wait for me to come after work! so touched!! Tiff played til very happy lor.. den Ian (serena's son) went to slam the gate when Tiff's finger tat the gate there.. (serve her right).. for a while i so heart-pain.. cos i tot she kanna her finger.. den realise that .. got a bit la.. but she cried is becos of the shocked.. Jialat.. she keep getting shocked leh.. i trying to prevent liaoz.. but dunno how also.. Sigh..
We took a cab back.. get int he cab only she close her eyes and zzz liaoz. or trying to zz.. but when reach home.. she damn active again.. til abt 11pm+ den zzz.. faintz.
My mum came over to pass me the car in the morning.. den after that she zzz a while lor... HB going out in the noon mah.. with his friends.. so after lunch.. i send my mum to her dancing class and den I brought Tiff to vivo to walk walk wanna go buy her cheerios mah.. and WHO KNOWS!!! I FORGET OR DID NOT REALISE THAT her pram is NOT IN THE CAR!!! Wah!!! i wanna faintz manz.. den somemore walk a while.. she refuse to walk.. keep wanting to carry.. wah.. after a while i give up.. go buy the cheerios.. her fish biskits and go toy r us walk a while.. at least at toy R us she walk on her own there to explore the toys.. den go home liaoz..
reach home abt 6pm+.. DEN NUA NUA NUA .. til hubby come back abt 12 + lor.. ya.. dunno he go where hiao.. hahaha..
I screamed at tiffany.. i can't stand her.. keep making noise also dunno for wat!!! after that i feel so guilty :(
Evening Ailing came over lor.. actually we wanted to go ECP becos 2nd bro-in-law jio mah.. den too hot.. so never go.. really too hot liaoz..
Den we went to NTUC at WS to buy food lor.. den i am the cook for the dinner lor.. Forget to take pics la.. cos by time we started eating its like already 8pm+ liaoz.. becos I was preparing Tiff's dinner.. The maid is redunant.. yes.. useless.. cannot tahan ar!!!!!
Den we chatted til 12 am + .. Wan to ask AIling to stay for the nite.. but she dun wan .. anyway she never bring her clothes or wat lor.. so she wanted to go back.. i also tired liaoz.. den tot of the 50% midnite charge.. i send her back all the way to w'lands.. wanna faintz liaoz.. den reach home abt 1am+ liao lor.. considered fast liao lor.. i go up and come back less den 1 hour .. abt 40-45 mins.. (dun ask me how, i wont tell u :P)
so sianz.. also dunno wat to do... wanna go where.. end up went to marina sq bought a sesame street vcd for Tiff , a cup, extra spoon, plates, and fork for her lor.. den went to the food court to eat the laksa bread.. den got new store for muffins!! the muffins is nice!! duno why tiff dun wan.. think she tired.. while we eating .. she doze off liaoz..
Den we went to giant.. shopping. . wah piangz.. buy .. not much things hor .. already $100++ liaioz.. should have gone to NTUC.. becos can accumulate points .. but i think if buy from NTUC.. the price would be $150++ lor for the same things bought.. cos fair price.. fair to them.. not to us mah.. hahaha :P
anyway its a long day yesterday..
today back to work liaoz.. this morning tiff dun wan to let me go to work wor!!! when time to stick to me.. she dun wan to stick to me.. when not time to stick to me.. she wanna stick to me.. this ger ar..
I love Tiffany :P
♥ Thursday, May 15, 2008
Last nite i went to meet the PR mummies.. wow!! they are excellent.. terrific.. nice ppl..
and its tiffany 1st time take the bus.. hehehe.. she so curious.. and den u know when the bus brake.. got the "piss" sound.. she got a shock.. my poor ger.. not brave enuff.. Sigh..
Ya.. at 14 months and 2 weeks.. den she 1st time take bus.. hahahahaa..
and at 14 months.. den she 1st time take cab.. becos i was away mah... den the daddy got to bring her to IL's place.. hahahaha.. good life ger right??
♥ Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I need to change maid again.. i very sianz.. Sigh... on monday my sofa came.. I rush home.. den when i reach home.. i saw the maid feeding Tiff.. and den i go into the kitchen to see!!!!! that the fire is BIG and the soup is all dried up!!!!!!!! and i dun think she will see it until she finishes feeding the baby lor!!! very dangerous leh!!!! den when i was in HK.. i was told that.. when my hubby went to work the next morning.. the main door open big! and the gate never lock!!! the nite before she waited for my mum to go up my house.. den when my mum came.. my mum when to bathe.. den the maid went to zzz w/o closing the door and lock the gate!! HOW TO FORGIVE LIKE THAT ??!?!?!? i am very very very very tired
♥ Monday, May 12, 2008
Aiyo!!! so many things to blog abt!!After came back from hk.. on mc for 2 days.. thurs and fri.. and i had a really good rest.. every day zzz til 12 pm ++ den wake up.. due to the severly infected tenticles.. hahahaa.. bad throat.. Tiffany is growing fast.. !!! and i mean really fast!! on thurs i told her.. come mummy bring u go out.. the next moment she disappear.. tot where she go.. so i go to the room to find her.. and i found her standing at her own drawer there.. looking in.. after that decided to take out her hanky!!!! omg!! she knows that go out need to take hanky!!! she closed her drawer and walk towards me... i said, go and take ur socks since we are going out.. she walk back to her drawer.. open it .. think for a while. ( i think choosing which socks to take) den take her socks.. close her drawer and pass me her socks!! so smart right!! sat went to my auntie's house in CCK for mother's day dinner.. all my aunties, mother and granny and me there lor.. mothers' day mah.. sun woke up to hubby's rose.. he asked tiffany to give me a rose he bought for mothers' day.. so sweet right? :) its the tot that counts though :) thanks hubby.. den had breakfast.. hubby bought breakfast.. well.. A mother's love after all.. i gave tiffany all my fishball.. cos she loves it.. :) den went to IL's place.. I bring tiffany go down stairs for a walk in the evening cos after staying sometime in my IL's place.. she bored.. i also bored.. and warm too.. when i bring her downstairs.. she saw ppl playing basketball.. she is so excited!!!! I think she really need a brother or sister soon.. cos can see and feel that she is so bored at home.. my poor ger.. but i dun wan to deprive her of all my love so soon.. :( after that she saw cat.. she so excited too!! so adorable right?? when she saw bird.. i think she forgot how to pronounce bird liaoz.. cos she keep pointing and go "ag, ag, ag" I repeated the word bird to her.. she stil can't rememebr how to say it.. but she knows wat it is.. :)This morning.. i was at my dressing table.. her finger on the tip of my drawer.. so i told her.. excuse me.. mummy wan to open the drawer.. she did not move.. so i open the drawer slightly.. den she squat down!!!!! she scared the drawer hit her head! nobody taught her that leh!!! Hahaha.. My little princess.. :)
pictures of my hk trip..
pictures speak louder den words :)
At Terminal 3 Singapore

At Sai Kong, for seafood..

At Wong Tai Sin

At the Victoria Peak

At Park Lane
At Avenue of Stars
Olympics look.. hahaha

Bruce Lee pose

Siao Fung Fung handprint
Movie Director Air ..hehehe..

♥ Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Am Back!!! Its was a great trip!!! the clothes are good!!all very nice!!!! and the children clothes are simply fanatasic!!!! heehehe
on 2nd day i broke liaoz.. hahahaha.. and i love hello kitty , i bought a lot and compared to Singapore its considered cheap there lor.. On the day i leave.. tiffany was clingy at first.. after i check in.. she refuse to let me carry (throw temper ) knows that i leaving.. den before going in the gate .. she clingy again.. i so emo.. i cried!!! hahahaha..
Thruout the trip i called back.. becos the HK line no 3G service.. cannot video call.. but my hubby and mum put speaker phone for her to listen.. she very sweet.. she keep kissing the phone.. according to them lor I came back late last nite she zzz liaoz.. this morning.. she wake up .. she saw me.. she keep kissing and hugging me and cuddle with me.. which she has never liked to stay still to cuddle..
Will update more on the details later.. now i stil very stone.. trying to get back.. hahaha