♥ Saturday, June 28, 2008
Lots of tots.. Been feeling very uneasy lately.. :(
HELP!! well.. dunno to believe a not.. i was told to becareful while driving in the lunar month of june.. and I am really feeling very uneasy already!!!!!!!!!! Maybe i should just keep off the road??
I am also so worried for my ger.. can i be a SAHM .. Sigh..
♥ Wednesday, June 25, 2008
got something to share.. at last i am confirm changing maid liaoz.. I can't take it liaoz.. at first i felt very bad abt it.. now! after last nite!! CONFIRM 101% confirm! She zzz w/o her pants on.. only her panties.. When my mum was in my house.. she put tiff to zzz.. but she fall asleep first.. before tiff zzz.. WHEN MY MUM IN THE HOUSE LEH!!! can u imagine when no one at home!! On the same evening i went home.. she told me .. my ger fall from the sofa and cried very badly.. becos my ger is sleepy den she walk on the sofa.. i asked her wat she doing.. she said she is there.. can't catch her in time! when we are at home.. when my ger walk on the sofa.. she will guard there or take my ger down. (of cos i got teach my ger not to walk on the sofa la) I going crazy! best part.. last nite (long time never talk to my hubby properly) my hubby told me.. when i in hk.. the maid told my hubby sobbing "sir, pls dun send me back, watever u wan i can do it" Well.. u must be thinking do wat right? wat else?? becos i asked .. where is my ger.. my ger is sleeping when the maid told him that!!!!!! and i caught her 1st time.. when i go into her room, not HER room.. the room, she close the door, the bra and shorts on the table!!! den i forgot ba.. i barge in.. partially also my fault.. she was like adjusting her breast lor.. cos she is in singlet.. i ask her.. why u wear like that??!? she said hot.. .. When i went out on sat.. my hubby go out with his friends mah.. I bring my ger out alone.. den after that i went home.. den .. i called the home.. becos got thigns for her to take and my ger zzz liaoz.. call n call no answer leh!! somemore i put 1 hp and 1 housephone at home.. becos my house phone sometimes sot sot one.. so i put a hp also.. den both no answer leh!! bo pian LL i carry my ger up first .. den decided that later i ask her to go to the car to take the things.. I open the door.. nobody.. i tot she in the toliet.. bo pian.. dun wanna wake my ger up.. i put my ger on the mattress.. den i saw her walking out from the room just WAKE UP!!!!!!! Last nite also!! I went out in a hurry.. forgot to tell my hubby to shower my ger.. so i call home.. she said.. she will ask sir whether wanna shower tiff a not. . den after that .. my hubby call me and complain.. she ask my hubby.. by knocking on the bathroom door.. whether wanna shower tiff.. den my hubby said wait.. den she just leave tiff in the room.. (my hubby in the toliet.. bathroom door closed..) and den close the room door too and leave the room.. den my ger cry and banging the room door.. (how she know her dad is in the shower) .. Wah! MY hubby said WAIT.. not said OK leh.. she leave my ger like that..
Sorry for the lack of update.. i am really busy..
busy cracking my head to find houses for my buyers lah.. busy cracking how to earn more money lor..
the weather outside going to heavy rain soon leh..
Tiff is very cute!! hehe..
Need to put this down..
She said "my tutu" last week.. tutu = pacifier..
erm.. wat else.. she said "yummy" ..
and she said "mi mi mi , mami"
♥ Monday, June 16, 2008
I brought my ger for MMR jab on sat.. the nurse said that she is 75% percentile for both wt and height.. den i said.. she fat meh?? like that can right?? hahaha..
She got 1 side smelly ear.. i so scared its ear infection.. i see the doctor.. den the doc said no.. no infection or anything.. so far so good after the mmr jab.. when the needle go in.. she just keep quiet.. when push the liquid in... she just slightly jerk her leg 2x den when pull out needle.. just wail a bit nia.. after that ok liaoz.. hopefully nothing will happen.. cos the nurse said the fever will take sometimes even 2 weeks later to come..
some pics to share.. taken over the weekend..
Tai tai traing in progress.. hahahahaha.. (think too much)
The back pack my granny bought for her..
♥ Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Playing Mummy's PSP..

Opps.. Got caught.. Heh heh..

Just some pictures for lighten up the mood..
My love of my life! hehe

Well.. after reading some other blogs.. these tots jsut came to me..
That's how i started a blog.. wanna pen down my tots.. if not i will go crazy..
There is something wrong with me.. i really dunno wat's wrong leh.. its been some time back already.. i may seem to have moved on.. everything around me is moving on.. but its seems that i have not emotionally...
I hate myself.. i hated why i used to have such life in the past.. i hated why am i treating my now hubby who loves me and treats me so good like that.. wat the hell wrong is with me ?? !
♥ Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Ok just drop a quik note.. seems like my last post very depressing.. hahhaa..ok.. all wells end wells.. am happy now!! hopefully by end of the year.. i can be "free" !!! Yeah!! so happy now!!!!!And Tiffany is getting very notti!!! hahahaa.. ok.. Good news to share.. i chlosed a deal.. and many other deals stil waiting for me.. heheSo friends and readers.. if u got any one.. wanna sell, buy, rent houses / apartments or anything.. Intro me ok??!?!! Give me a ring!! I also got new developments.. cheap and good for investments in prime districts too!!!Or anything that u need.. esp services, like CPF investment, ins.. car insurance.. etc.. anything.. i am lobang queen!!! heheheGot lots to update.. do it tomolo.. going to knock off liaoz.. hahahaa.. hmm.. maybe later tonite.. i am gonig to spam with pics!!! hehehehee..
♥ Thursday, June 05, 2008
Help!! My heart is crying.. and very painful now..
I brought client for viewing last nite.. 1st apartment at 7pm.. den after viewing abt 3-4 apartments, we went for dinner..
only after dinner den i called HB.. and den he was like Why are u so late? i said i go eat dinner la.. after that his tone change til like very tulanz like that..
I told him.. i going to my mum's house to take food and den head home liaoz..
When i reach home abt 11pm+ his face is damn black lor.. i really can't understand.. U mean I am doing these all for myself ?? its for the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can somebody wake up his bloody mind.. ?? BUT he did say sorry this morning..
But seriously.. i dun find that saying sorry is immediate healing lor.. I feel like getting away.. getting away from everything for a short while..
am very tired. i wanna ask what do i wan in life.. can i just take tiffany away and just live life with her that's all ?
♥ Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Today is my best friend's birthday!!!
Last monday .. we did an advance birthday for her.. and we treat her to jap food.. here are some pics below.. enjoy.. no cake though..

Ok.. yes.. i know i lack of updates..
am really tired.. tired of life.. busy.. also dunno busy with wat..
2 weeks back.. have a really huge fight with hubby .. til now i haven forgive him.. I just cant.. let time tell.. my heart is crying.. :(
And there are so many committments.. I really tired leh.. sometimes i wonder.. wat do i work for ?? of cos its for my ger tiffany lor..
Den hubby resigned liaoz.. going to another company also dunno stable a not.. i also dun dare to scold him or wat.. at least he tried lor.. HELP!!!!!! I really is so "full" in my heart and brains.. i just dunno how long more i can take it.. Everyday i headache abt finance.. duno when I am really down to my last cent :(
but of cos in life.. there is more things than money.. but do u know w/o money..wat can we do?? NOTHING lor!
am glad tat at least i stil have a roof, I stil got food to eat.. and stil have my daughter..
Hope things will eventually get better..
On a happy note.. Tiffany today is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.. every morning she will see me put toner, moisturiser etc.. this morning.. she took my sunblock and attempt to put on her face!! so cute right??