♥ Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I need to blog this down.. before i forget..
Yesterday its monday.. and its the start of my new carrer journey.. and ..
Hahaha.. today i did a very bad thing and i felt very bad.. becos!!! i forgot abt today's party and tiff went to sch in uniform.. and den when she saw the kids inside is wearing home clothes she stun for a while before going in.. lucky i brought home t-shirt and pants in her bag always.. WAh lau!! i feel really bad leh!!! den i call the daddy.. den the daddy send a dress down.. hahahahaa.. sweet daddy hor..
Ok.. am busy.. continue blogging tonite with pics!!! i wanna upload my pics!!
♥ Wednesday, September 24, 2008
sunday.. we went to changi broadwalk for fishing.. Tiffany was very excited.. running and running ard like crazy ger.. hahahaa..
and hor.. she know how to pose for me lor..
see pics..

Last evening.. her daddy not free.. so i went to pick her up myself..
she very cute lor.. when she see me.. she run.. the backside can shake one.. hahahaa..
and den when out of the centre.. (the carpark is just outside the centre) she looking for our car lor.. she can't see it.. den she stun for a while.. hahahaa.. den i told her.. daddy not here today.. we take a bus back ok?? den she walk with me very reluctantly.. like the feet dragging like that..
now when i go and pick her.. she knows and she points to me her shoes for me to wear for her and point to her bag for me to take and go home.. when i stil talking to the teachers..

tiffany in school uniform.. on her 3rd day..
♥ Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 1 without maid.. Well.. still gettting by.. at least HB now know how to help.. hope it will last :) Quite happy... more allowances.. hopfully can have extra to save soon.. Tiffany know how to say "gou" when she sees a dog.. hahahaha.. must be the teachers teach one lor.. and when i told her no more jie jie ok ?? she said "more more.. " hahaha.. seems like she wans a jie jie ?? I think she is fine in school.. at least for now.. and she also said "dont want" she is starting to talk.. but she understands a lot.. and she is a "dong shi" ger lor.. see me take things heavy and all that will wan to help me carry.. This morning daddy said " mummy, tiffany shee shee in potty" hahahahaa.. ya.. she know how to.. provided when she wake up must put her in the potty lor.. otherwise.. she will just pee in her diapers lor.. STUPID MAID AGENT!! CONDEMN!!! KNS!!!! This time round hor.. this stupid agent really earn the my fees for nothing.. I wanna tekan him.. KNnz! somore make my weekend gone!! CCB!.. But lucky.. stil got time to go fishing lor.. but last evening weather very hot la!! den weekdays rain n rain.. aiyo!!! Tian ar!! Bring tiff there.. she like silly ger run n run n run.. hahahaa.. but she is very happy.. Den when we packing / preparing to go out.. no one give her attention.. she go to her drawer and take out all her clothes and throw on the floor.. pengz.. attention seeker lor.. wat to do?As for housework.. Everybody helps lor.. includ my SIL/BIL lor.. and I think most important is .. need to unite lor.. den the house will be easy to keep tidy..
♥ Friday, September 19, 2008
Din realise so long din blog liaoz.. abt 1 week plus.. and a lot a lot of things happen.. wah!
Abt my birthday.. got a birthday cake wic hubby bought from prima deli.. NICE leh.. the cake.. though it looks like those normal mango cake.. i was actually a bit disappointed.. but when i eat it.. WAH!! VERY NICE!! Not like normal one lor.. and i took a very nice pic of it.. and of cos for now.. its not inside here la.. I will upload soon..
Tiffany 1st day of School.. on 12th Sept.. she is so willing to go manz.. and I can leave after 1 hour there..
Den when we go and pick her.. she is ok.. at least she go and learn something in school.. and she looks so sweet in her school uniform.. hahaha..
I was actually very worried that teacher never give her enuff food and sleep .. but my worries are uncalled for after viewing her for FULL day at school.. yes i stayed there full day in order for me not to be so worried.. and now.. yes.. am not worried liaoz..
the teachers are nice.. they look after her well.. and of cos maybe and i said maybe.. becos she is CUTE.. hahahaha..
and I also changed hp liaoz.. i got the samsung omnia.. so I wont be getting a lappy liaoz.. becos this phone has all the functions i wan in the lappy.. hahahaha.. so as good lor..
den i signed up the mio plan and of cos save so much more lor..
Time flies.. and next week is my last week here liaoz.. am so excited and nervous.. dunno i can cope a not.. w/o a maid soon..
I am asking the agent to come pick the maid soon.. very cheng sim liaoz..
tiffany go to school liaoz.. she know how to say "more" and "no more" hahahaha..
see.. told u liaioz.. she go to school sure will learn to talk more.. hahahahaha.. and she is more independent and more "dong shi" le... so happy..
♥ Thursday, September 11, 2008
WOW!! Happy birthday to me.. hehehee.. I am very very touched and happy.. I wanna cry liaoz.. my mummy called me and sing birthday song.. Mummy i love u and miss u.. hahhaa.. and hor.. My HB ar!!! Very bad.. tell me no cake for me.. becos no one eat.. hahaha.. i think he ordered already.. but just keep quiet.. but my SIL keep asking me.. ahhaah.. sooo.. i have to just ask him and he need to reveal lor.. he ordered a cake liaoz.. hahahaa.. HMmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. i wonder i got flowers this year a not ?? hehehe.. And Thanks BP for something that i long for very long liaoz.. thanks :) *muacks* hahhaahaThanks Jen.. and Justin.. for the wonderful pre-celebration.. I am so happy!!Yes I am a lucky ger.. got loving hubby, lovely TIffany , Wonderful Mummy.. and BEST FRIENDS OF ALL!!!!And thanks the rest for ur wishes.. let's see wat's more coming up.. now is 12pm liao.. I got a birthday song from my mum.. I got a breakfast and snack from my colleague.. Latha.. I got my favourite item from my best friend BPI got birthday wishes from Alice, Claudia, Andria, My SIL, Bernice, BP of cos , Latha, Justin, Justin Chiang, Jen of cos. hhmm... more to come.. hahaha.. Tiffany will be starting school tomolo.. HB said a bit "bu se de" .. ya lor tiffany more re-stricted.. not much freedom.. hahahaand my favourite pic.. from the celebrations with my friend..
♥ Wednesday, September 10, 2008
cannot!! I need to state this down.. my brains are going hay wire.. and am stil so worried.. 1) Carpe Diem - Full day @ $445 (lunch, bathe and tea break) - w.e.f 1/1/2009 its $295- 1st time payment i got to pay a lot, like school uniform, mattress, deposit (can pay in instalment) etc- got to wash tiff's clothes everyday.. becos limited sets of uniform- got outbreak of HMFD- dun need to keep the maid already- worse come to worse get a part-time maid to clean the housecan save levy, maid salary, and electricity in the day time while we are at work2) Club Kangaroo- half day just 3 hours in the morning (9am - 12pm) @$180- deposit 1 month i think.. - no need school uniform.. wear home clothes- No outbreak of HMFD only chicken pox- Still need to keep the maidso extra expenses incurred. HOW ??? I VERY SCARED NOW.. i worried that my ger can't adapt.. Sigh..
♥ Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Yes.. a lot of changes in life.. alot..
I just feel like crying now.. Sigh.. Maybe being Emo ?
this year my birthday very sad..
Mummy busy.. doing confinement for ppl.. Sister Not in singapore.. with her hubby overseas..
Ya .. i still got hubby and tiffany..
I think my sister in law more excited or concern abt my birthday den my hubby lor.. sad right??
Tiffany getting cuter each day and she is learning every day..
Tiffany is a sweet lovely ger..
My mum also rented out her flat.. Sigh. u know that kind of sadness.. I feel so useless... :(
I think my sis is stil angry with me.. Sigh.. "wu feng bu qi lang" I cry every other day when i miss her.. does she know ? nope.. becos i am jsut a unreasonable and stupid attitude sister to her.. anyway.. i miss her really.. and i wan to be a good sister to her too.... hopefully.. really must change lor..
On friday mum brought me to buckaroo to eat.. maybe birthday meal?? The steak really filling la..
On sat.. We went carrefour to buy a set of table and chair for tiffany and of cos she loves it la.. this morning.. i change the position of the table.. and she stil can help to carry the chair over leh! she so cute right?
Den last evening.. my BFFs brought me to ikor restaurant for japanese buffet.. den we walk over to robertson quay.. wah! BFF Jen hor! saw a GT-R 34! real one lor!! power.. the pics not with me.. with BFF Jen..
den we go TCC drink drink a bit.. walk like hell to get a cab.. lucky we decided to walk to clarke quay to get a cab.. if not!! i think we all "soup chicken" liaoz.. and yes.. they are very nice.. i sprain my legs.. lucky they hold me and run.. if not really wet la..
I am going to change job.. my last day another 2 weeks time.. My birthday another 2 days time.. I am so frustrated and confused now..
Need to send Tiff to school.. start when?
Dun wan the maid already .. from when on wards ??
Arrrgggggggg.. so many things to think abt..
den ask hubby.. he also cannot give me confirm answer.. SIGH!
how ar ??
if really send tiff to school.. den dun wan maid.. time will be tied.. go everywhere must bring her lor..
SHIT!! WAT Happens if i got viewing!!!!! and hubby need to work.. i think need to bring her for viewing lor.. Pengz..
if really cannot.. lucky for the time being got my SIL.. Arrrgggg... dunno la.. very luan now.. later den upload pics.. very busy in the office today..
♥ Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hey! A lot of happenings lah.. over the weekend, We went to m'sia.. and of cos went shopping la.. this time go in by tuas.. becos SIL need to get instant visa.. to get into m'sia.. and there were hiccups lor.. lucky my hubby smart.. can solve the problem.. and in we go for our happy shopping.. ________________________________________1st sept.. my sister went to arizona to join her hubby.. and I miss her so much now :( u know when ppl in sg.. u dun bother.. when she really leave the country den u come and heartpain.. I miss her.. Sigh.. Me never play my good part as a sister.. I hope i can do it .. i try to play my good sister part.. but at times i stil fail.. becos i can't control my emotions and temper.. Sigh.. anyway.. as long as she is happy.. i am happy! ___________________________________________Tiffany is so cute.. now she laffs with her hand covering her mouth.. she know how to pose for us to take picture.. Before i go out or go to to work.. she will put my shoes NICELY at the doorway for me to wear hor.. hahaha.. so cute rite ?? later upload her pics when she posing.. hahaha.. last nite took video of her.. damn cute la!!______________________________________________I submitted my resignation last evening.. Hope I can get a fresh start in the new company.. anyway.. all the unhappy things in my life happened here.. but I will miss this place.. and my best friend Bee ping :( ..