♥ Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tiff is really growing up fast.. me feeling a bit sad.. yet happy.. still thinking wan #2 a not.. must make decision fast.. sigh..
this morning.. while alighting from the cab to drop her in sch.. she said "xie xie uncle" omg ! my dear lil' girl is growing..
and since yesterday.. she is a parrot.. hahahaa.. she is learning to talk more now..
and the night before.. was bathing for tiff.. so after shower.. i let her play water awhile.. while i go out and take towel and prepare her clothes.. the next moment.. she came out of the toliet.. pointing to her butt.. "mummy, i wan shee shee" with 1/2 length shit out of her butt already dangling there.. so i quickly put her on the toliet bowl.. lucky in time sial..