♥ Monday, November 28, 2011
Things tat the girls say everyday :-
Last night while watching TV, happen to switch to Channel U.
Saw the happy call advert.
Tiffany says :" mummy, why didn't u get the red one? "
Lol!! She say aloud my thoughts for hubby to hear. Haahhhaa..
after tat she also say she wanna eat popcorn after watching them make popcorn.
Tiffany is sick for 2 days with high fever, so she stay at home today. Before I left home, both girls are eating breakfast, then Tiffany ask me if she can watch Dora later... within the next min.. Victoria got down her seat and den walked to the room saying 'I want to watch do-ro, do-ro, do-ro". I folloowed her to the room and saw her trying to switch on the sound system. Hahahaha!!
*Loves* xoxo
♥ Friday, November 25, 2011
Tiffany is now 4 3/4 years old..
Yes she is a smart and sweet girl.
She said this morning out of the sudden :
T : "Sorry mummy"
me : "why sorry darling?"
T : "Sorry mummy i used up all your plaster"
Me : "its ok darling, no need to say sorry"
While i was walking into the bathroom, I overheard Tiffany tell her meimei, Victoria: :
I saw Tiffany and Victoria holding hands.
"Meimei, stop spinning! daddy say cannot spin! wait daddy scold"
"Stop spinning!"
daily dosage of my girls.